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第6章 加强平台监管严厉打击违规(第3/11 页)

最新其他类型小说: NBA:爱发推特的我统治了联盟86:不存在的希望和三笠一起穿越的日子鸣人的考试穿书后,我成了修真人士废土孕妈拾荒日常龙神低语网坛之数据天王网游:开局成为邪龙之子团藏!把哥眼睛还回来!王者:扮演女英雄,我成全民女神原神之我能刷阅历点我在魔卡世界刷成就奥特之永恒的光都末世了,养点丧尸很合理吧我末影女王!实名表白Him大人神明叩首我在超神创建神话基因听上去就很不正经的推理小说葫芦帮的传奇

n. Through their correspondence, the detective managed to extract key information and evidence linking Lawson to the illegal activities.

Armed with concrete evidence, the detective coordinated with the local police force to execute the arrest warrant. The raid on Lawson's hidden operation took place at dawn. The police descended on a dilapidated building where Lawson was managing his illicit empire.

Inside the premises, they found a vast network of puters and documents, providing irrefutable evidence of the illegal lending operations. Lawson was apprehended and taken into custody. His arrest sent shockwaves through the city, signaling an end to these fraudulent app-based financial activities.

As the case went to court, the munity rallied behind Detective Thompson's efforts, grateful for his dedication to maintaining a fair and just financial system. The trial was heavily publicized, serving as a warning to those who sought to exploit others through su




